The curator for the Asperger Ministry is both a Christian and an Aspie. Her name is Faith. Her husband David is also a Christian, but he’s neurotypical. He wasn’t born again until September 26, 2021. This couple raised an Aspie son and a NT daughter. The Aspie son remains single. The NT daughter is married with five children. The oldest grandchild is an Aspie. The others are NT. Faith’s mother was NT and her father was an Aspie.
For years, this Asperger Ministry was kept on hold to watch what would unfold in the future. Posts published during 2015 to 2016 were up to date with everything known to the curator at that time. With the passing of time, it appears there will always remain this gap between those who are part of the neuro-majority and those who are in the neuro-minority. As with minority groups, the Aspie one is the most degraded and discriminated against.
The public has a general idea of how our world has changed between the autumn of 2016 and summer of 2023. Our information war is escalating to levels unlike before. This site is not a debate platform to welcome misinformation. The only authority allowed a voice here is objective experience. Subjective opinions can be expressed elsewhere.
Besides the transitions happening in the world, personal changes occurring in the curator’s life bring more reasons to conduct the Asperger Ministry in a covert fashion. Faith is still adjusting to life, as the wife of a believing husband. Decades of being married to Dave, while he was still unsaved by God, left an imprint to compare how a unsaved NT changes in his treatment towards his same wife after God saves him.
Even though the curator of this ministry is one aged grandmother, she would not be equipped for the task without the team of people too numerous to list that she had and has in her life. She belonged to a support group for adult Aspies, until the leader of that group (a NT psychologist) passed away. Faith temporarily led this group until a replacement arrived.
The hope for this ministry was to bring insight to churches interested to learn how they may improve their services by making them more inclusive for the Aspie population. Sadly, churches fail to show interest to this Asperger Ministry. Without the motivation to be bothered to learn, nothing is going to change in regard to how spiritually unsound fellowshipping develops.
Churches will let Aspies into the congregation during church services. But, no member will go beyond that door that opens to a lasting friendship with that Aspie. Friendliness is allowed as long as it stays within the boundary of a church related event. As soon as communication extends beyond this, the “voicemail is full” begins.